What It Means to Be a Certified Documented Information Professional
The Certified Professional Who Supports Corporate Management in the DX Age
The Certified Documented Information Professional is the person in a business division who handles and provides support in document information (paper-based and electronic), who plans the optimal methods for document and information management, and who can recommend improvement and reform.
The person could also be in a business division responsible for staff operations supporting top management, promoting business and/or DX, and who is able to implement in-house reforms proactively through document information management.
The Japan Image and Information Management Association (JIIMA) offers seminars to those interested in achieving certification as a Documented Information Professional in order to further develop human resources in this area.
Certified Documented Information Professional Supports Corporate Management in the DX Age
The Role of Document Information Management in Digital Transformation
Although the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry had warned of the "2025 digital cliff," digital transformation (DX) efforts remained superficial. In response to the drive to curb the spread of COVID-19, however, teleworking spread rapidly and a growing number of business enterprises took the elimination of paper-based books, ledgers and documents, represented by removal of the need for seal impressions, seriously in their business operations.
With this development, many enterprises appear to have realized that many of their business operations are paper-based. If a "paperless operation" is limited to the scanning and digitizing documents, the effort falls short of DX goals.
Activities must be conducted by identifying the fundamental nature of the business clearly and setting goals as an organization, rather than simply implementing IT tools. Actions must be directed to human resources development, the organizational culture and stronger incentives. This approach is identical to the approach taken in document information management and by the Certified Documented Information Manager.
We urge your attendance of the Documented Information Professional certification seminars, as well as participation in the study groups, etc., that provide opportunities to exchange information among such Certified Professionals and encourage you to use them effectively in promoting DX.
Document Information Management for Corporate Management
In corporate management and organizational administration today, there is growing demand to focus not only on governance and compliance but also on business continuity.
Corporate management, which had been possible by relying on intuition and experience, now needs action based solidly on information backed by past experiences to prevent repeating mistakes. The basis for this approach to management is the various records and documents that are created or acquired in the course of business operations.
However, such records and documents cannot be utilized when needed unless they are organized and managed properly.
If our attention is only on the latest and the new at the expense of the past in the face of the drastic changes in society, we will be unable to maintain and preserve the organization in its stable form into the future. Tapping on the past knowledge and experiences of the organization will help prevent failures that can be avoided and eliminate wasteful work.
Document information management is a vital method of preserving technology and skills and an important approach that connects us to future generations.
The Documented Information Professional Certification Scheme
This certification scheme was organized by the Japan Image and Information Management Association (JIIMA) and introduced in 2013.
Until now, the importance of document management and records management was generally understood to focus on how skillfully existing documents and information were organized. In fact, it can become something that is practiced in form only, believing that document organization according to document management rules suffice.
To reinforce corporate and business competitiveness and business continuity, top-down guidance is vital and the support of the general affairs, legal affairs and IT divisions is necessary. However, it is necessary that the personnel of the divisions actually handling document data are the ones to promote document information management.
JIIMA's image of the Certified Documented Information Professional is that of the person in charge of business operations in each division or the person's deputy or assistant. This person makes use of document information not only as a defense method but also as a method for offensive action while working in his or her own business division and for the entire organization. The Documented Information Professional certification seminar offers the knowledge required of the Certified Documented Information Professional and the skills that lead to certification.
Expectations for the Certified Documented Information Professional
We expect those who have earned this qualification to understand the importance of document information and to possess the knowledge for issuing instructions within the organization regarding how document information is to be handled.
Specifically, the certified person should possess the following attributes.
- An understanding of the basic nature of the business function (what the function is for and the necessary documents involved).
- The ability to introduce reforms in the business flow when necessary.
- The ability to adapt to new social and technical environments.
- The ability to recommend the importance of document information management to executive officers (executive document information manager).
- The ability to issue appropriate instructions regarding document information management within one's own business division.
Who Should Become a Certified Documented Information Professional?
The answer: The manager or his/her deputy or assistant in a business division who plans and implements document information management in the organization and those who aspire to become specialists in document information management.

Persons Who Should Attend the Seminars
1. Business Departments/Divisions That Top Management Recommends to Do So
The indicators in digital transformation (DX)-driven business reforms have been announced. The only thing to do now is take action.
Persons representing a DX promotional division (business reform division), IT division, an innovative user division and/or a general document management division should attend at least one set of seminars.
Reforms can be achieved swiftly through when principal personnel can share their awareness and common experiences.
2. Those in IT User, IT, Business Reform and General Document Management Divisions
There are concerns such as the following in DX promotion and business reforms.
- The desire to know what other divisions and companies are thinking and doing.
- The wish to participate in workshop exchange.
- Regarding document management rules…
- Rules don't exist.
- The rules are now obsolete and/or are too rudimentarily written to be useful.
- Documents are not inspected regularly and employees do not comply with the rules.
- Conditions inside the organization…
- Management of information in the enterprise (paper-based and electronic documents) is dependent on individuals.
- Control over corporate secrets and confidential documents is not implemented thoroughly.
- The desire to reduce paper documents and acquire document management know-how, due to a transfer of office location, etc.
- Work-at-home and teleworking have grown.
- There are latent risks in how records are managed.
- As an organization…
- Basic knowledge in document information management is lacking.
- The desire to acquire knowledge is needed to adapt to the migration to electronic information.
- The wish to grasp the key points in the Electronic Book Preservation Act from the standpoint of document information management.
- The desire to grasp key points in electronic contracts from the standpoint of document information management.
- The wish to know how to implement document management.
- The desire to utilize document information management in carrying out a technical heritage, etc.
- The wish for people to earn qualifications.
3. As an individual…
- Wish to acquire knowledge as a Certified Documented Information Professional and to become certified.